What to Expect During an Audiometry Test

What to Expect During an Audiometry Test

As we age, maintaining our hearing health becomes increasingly important. For those over 55, regular hearing checks are essential to ensure we stay connected with the world around us. Regular hearing tests can also check whether we have adequate sound stimulation...
Online Hearing Tests vs. Professional Audiological Assessments

Online Hearing Tests vs. Professional Audiological Assessments

Online Hearing Tests vs. Professional Audiological Assessments Hearing tests are vital to our health and wellbeing and are important for many reasons. Hearing tests can detect hearing loss in its early stages. Promptly addressing hearing loss can improve an...
What You Need to Know About The First Steps to Better Hearing

What You Need to Know About The First Steps to Better Hearing

First Steps to Better Hearing Are there situations you wished you heard more clearly? If so, it’s time to get your hearing checked. Are people in your household noticing the TV is creeping up in volume? Or that you are asking for repeats? Is this creating unnecessary...
What to Expect at your Hearing Test Appointment

What to Expect at your Hearing Test Appointment

What to Expect at your Hearing Test Appointment An Audiometry test is facilitated to evaluate the sensitivity of a person’s hearing. Should the person have a hearing loss, the audiometry test will determine the severity and type of loss that exists. The audiometry...

Hearing Check Vs Comprehensive Hearing Assessment

You may have noticed walking through shop fronts advertising a free hearing check or a quick screen of your hearing at no cost. You may have also noticed some audiology clinics offer comprehensive hearing assessments also known as diagnostic hearing tests.  So, what...

A Hearing Check Vs a Comprehensive Hearing Assessment

You may have noticed walking through shop fronts advertising a free hearing check or a quick screen of your hearing at no cost. You may have also noticed some audiology clinics offer comprehensive hearing assessments also known as diagnostic hearing tests.  So, what...