Clayton Clinic

Consulting Hours:

Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5.00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 5.00pm (once a month)
Suite 2, M-City Medical, 2107 Dandenong Rd, Clayton VIC 3168
Phone: (03) 9558 8842
Fax: (03) 9562 6344

Public Transport

Buses routes 631 & 800
30min walk from Westall Train Station


Enter via Blackburn Rd, go into the underground carpark and head to the very left corner of the carpark. There is a lift there in the corner which takes you up to Mezzanine Level and we are the first door on the right as soon as the lift opens.
If you enter through the shopping centre instead of the underground carpark, head to Kmart, then down the hall to the left, there is a small corridor with stairs/lift leading to the medical suites. We are at the very end of that corridor.

Nicole B

Nicole Bowden

B.Sc, Dip.Aud., MAudA (CCP)
Principal Audiologist & Manager

Audiologist Nicole Bowde

Patrice Lockwood

M.Aud., M.Aud.S.A.(CCP)
Audiologist & Clinical Co-Ordinator


Gyneth Fernando

B.Sc., Dip.Aud., MAudA (CCP)

Sally Woods

Sally Woods

BSci (Hons), Dip Aud, MAudSA (CCP)


Liz Walsh

BHlthSc, MClinAud, MAudA (CCP)


Mina Nadarajah

BSpPath, MClAud (CCP)


Sandra Lee

BA, BSci, MClAud(Melb), MClAud (CCP)

Rosalie Machlin

Rosalie Machlin

Paediatric Audiologist


Keith Chittleborough

BHlthSc, MClinAud, MAudA (CCP)


Ashlee Willis

BHlthSc, MClinAud, MAudA (CCP)

Liam's photo

Liam Hickson

The Victorian Hearing Clayton Clinic

Victorian Hearing’s purpose built, larger Audiology clinic is located at M-City Medical. The practice includes 4 consulting rooms, a fully sound treated booth room for paediatric and free field testing, and a dedicated Lyric Immersion room to even better support you and your hearing requirements. The services we provide at this clinic include:

Hearing Tests

Our qualified audiologists can conduct comprehensive diagnostic hearing tests to determine the extent of any hearing damage and loss. After an accurate assessment of your hearing has been obtained, a suitable treatment can be decided on.

Hearing Aid Fittings

As independent audiologists, we offer unbiased advice and have access to a wide selection of hearing aid types and brands. Each professional hearing aid fitting is customised to each individual ear to ensure the perfect solution.

Lyric Hearing Aids

As independent audiologists, we offer unbiased advice and have access to a wide selection of hearing aid types and brands. Each professional hearing aid fitting is customised to each individual ear to ensure the perfect solution.

Ear Wax Removal

Using micro-suction and curette under microscope or Voroscope, we can affordably and effectively remove wax from within the ear canal. Our safe and efficient method is ideal for clearing wax blockages and preventing wax from building up.


If you suffer from tinnitus, we offer a complete tinnitus management program, providing information and support to help those who are living with the condition.

Aural Rehabilitation

Our friendly and experienced team of audiologists can provide useful education on how to live with hearing loss, helping you to adjust while maintaining your lifestyle.

Hearing Protection

Victorian Hearing can help you minimise your risk of hearing loss with our hearing protection solutions, including custom moulded Pacific Ears ear plugs for musicians. We also have customized sleeping and swimming ear plugs available to protect the ear during everyday activities.

Children’s Tests

Children under the age of 4 in need of a hearing test are required to book an appointment at either our Clayton or Brighton clinic only.

Children over 4 years old are able to book for a hearing test at all Victorian Hearing clinics.

Other Appointments

For all other appointments including the following, please call 03 9558 8842.

  • Auditory Processing Disorder assessments
  • Pensioner annual hearing reviews
  • Vestibular triage


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