How Much Do Hearing Aids Really Cost?

Oct 26, 2022

Hearing aids can look very different. They can differ in size, style, shape and colour and brand. Although, something not visible from their exterior is that hearing aids also differ in levels of technology. This enables hearing aids to work their magic offering features ranging from their invisibility, rechargeability, to Bluetooth connections, to better speech clarity in noise, to hands free phone calls, to altering someone if you fall. All of which are all possible from the technology and computer chips on the ‘inside’ of hearing aids.

Hearing aids are more complex than just being simple amplifiers. They are specifically designed to amplify sounds in the range of your individual hearing loss, whilst not amplifying any sounds where you do not have a hearing loss. Additionally, hearing aids have a variety of features inside of them that aim to optimise your ability to hear in complex listening situations, such as when at a cafe, club, restaurant, or family gather. These additional features help you to have quality conversations with the people around you, enjoy environmental sounds, enjoy music, converse easily on the phone, and hear the television without fuss or distracting others. All while simultaneously blocking out other annoying sounds like whistling, cutlery clanging and loud wind while you are outside. Just to name a few! Meaning you can enjoy a more natural and clear listening experience.

Hearing aids can connect to your phone to allow direct streaming of music or podcasts as well as displaying information such, as your heart rate and step count and much more through a smartphone app. Hearing aids can also come in rechargeable versions, meaning you do not have to worry about changing batteries. These rechargeable hearing aids sit in a charger overnight so your hearing aids will work efficiently throughout the following day.

It is all of this technology and more that predominately impacts the price of a hearing aids. Hearing aids that are considered “premium” or “top of the range” often include all the latest and greatest technological features to enhance your listening experience. Whilst hearing aids at a lower price point may be simpler with less features and can at times be bigger or more visible.

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These advancements in hearing aid technology have taken decades of research and development to create, test, and fit inside of tiny hearing aids that continue to get even smaller. Hearing aids can typically range from approximately $1000 to $6000 per hearing aid and most people usually require two. Hearing aid prices can at times be ‘bundled’ to not only account for the cost of the hearing aids themselves, but also the audiological services and support appointments you require. When purchasing hearing aids, it is also important to investigate if you have Private Health Insurance and determine how much your provider will rebate towards hearing aids.

If you are an aged-care pensioner or hold a Department of Veteran Affairs card through the Hearing Services Program (HSP) hearing aids may be fully subsidised at the entry level technology for those with a HSP voucher.

Technology level, size, audiological services, private health insurance and government subsidies are all factors that can influence the cost of your hearing aids. It is important to speak to an independent audiology clinic to support you in making he best decision on which hearing technology level is appropriate for you when deciding on hearing aids.

Make an appointment Victorian Hearing, who will support and guide you through the process of hearing rehabilitation and hearing aid technology. Call (03) 9558 8853 or click here to complete an online enquiry.