Options when a hearing aid behind or inside your ear is a no-go

Options when a hearing aid behind or inside your ear is a no-go

When we start thinking about wearing a hearing aid, we tend to envisage a device that sits either behind or inside our ear. We understand that sound will be amplified and sent by the hearing aid into our ear the same way sound normally travels – through air...
Do you really need a hearing aid – the wrong question?

Do you really need a hearing aid – the wrong question?

In cases of hearing loss, the most common treatment a hearing care professional will offer is a hearing aid. While we all wait for a permanent cure for hearing loss, hearing aids are often the best option available, as they help to maximise the hearing a person has...
White Paper: Dementia, Hearing Loss & Hearing Care

White Paper: Dementia, Hearing Loss & Hearing Care

White Paper: Dementia, Hearing Loss & Hearing Care The Hearing Care Industry Association has commissioned a white paper “Dementia, Hearing Loss and Hearing Care” discussing the relationship between hearing loss and cognitive decline. Access the White paper...
What will it take for you to check your hearing? A true story.

What will it take for you to check your hearing? A true story.

What will it take for you to check your hearing? A true story. This is a true Victorian Hearing story, shared by a client for others to hear. Everyone has a threshold. Often we procrastinate, delaying important things that seem low on the priority list until a trigger...
Signia launches new Active, instant fit hearing aids.

Signia launches new Active, instant fit hearing aids.

Signia launches new Active, instant fit hearing aids. With the explosion of ear bud Bluetooth technology, we have had lots of patients ask why hearing aid manufacturers can’t design hearing aids that look like ear pods but work like hearing aids. Now thanks to Signia,...