Victorian Hearing are still here for you and your hearing needs.

Sep 20, 2021

We offer our thanks and admiration to all of our clients for your resilience in dealing with these lockdowns and for your patience whilst our care has been restricted.

As you would be aware, Allied Health has been under restrictions from the Health Department for the past 5 weeks as a measure of preventing the spread of Coronavirus.

We understand how frustrating it is for people experiencing hearing loss to have their care postponed.

Please note, that if you have had your appointment postponed and your condition is worsening or interfering with your activities of daily living, you may be eligible for an appointment and we encourage you to get in contact with us to discuss your case.

Examples that would be eligible for urgent care are:

  • Anything that is concerning enough for you to see your GP
  • Sudden hearing loss
  • Difficulty understanding conversation with your hearing aids on (eg. Possible deterioration of your hearing requiring a re-program of your hearing aid/s)
  • Broken or lost hearing aid or earmould
  • Lyric Re-fitting
  • Wax Occlusion
  • Child hearing test due to delayed speech and language

In the event that your condition does not fit under the eligible criteria for a face to face appointment, our Audiologists are able to provide Telehealth appointments (which may include remote programming of your hearing devices), or even just a phone call to discuss strategies for you to assist yourself – eg. telephone technique.

We are frustrated that we cannot provide the level of care and service that you have come to expect from Victorian Hearing, but we don’t want you to suffer in silence. If you have any difficulties communicating or reduced hearing that is impacting your daily function and safety please get in contact so that we can assist – we’d love to hear from you (Our Audiologists and Admin team also miss having regular conversations with the lovely people that we usually care for!)

If you’re unsure about your eligibility – please give us a call on 9558 8842.

We look forward to welcoming you all back into our Victorian Hearing Clinics, abiding by our CoVID Safe Plan, as soon as we are allowed.

Your Victorian Hearing Team.

Victorian Hearing audiologist examining ear