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Improving quality of life

What is Aural Rehabillitation?

Managing hearing loss

Aural rehabilitation, also known as audiologic rehabilitation, refers to the identification, diagnosis and management of hearing loss conditions. Conducted by qualified audiologists, the patient is provided with a range of therapies and techniques to improve their abilities in hearing and communication, as well as instruction in the use of amplification devices such as hearing aids.

The goal is to teach the patient how to live with and manage hearing loss while helping them to maintain a high quality of life.

What Does Aural Rehabilitation Involve?

Programs can vary depending on the individual, but they tend to utilise a combination of different therapies to help patients manage their hearing loss on a day-to-day basis.

What does the process involve?

  • Identifying the nature of the hearing loss – this can involve thorough testing to pinpoint the exact cause and type.
  • The fitting of a hearing aid – if suitable, a hearing aid can make a large difference to sufferers of hearing loss. After fitting, education will be provided to help the patient to get the most out of their device.
  • Keeping the patient informed – throughout the process of identification, diagnosis and treatment, the audiologist will keep the patient fully informed at every stage, ensuring that they are psychologically prepared.
  • Education regarding communication and speech techniques – audiologists can provide assistance with communication by teaching a range of techniques, with tips on topics such as how to manage conversation and how to cope with background noises.

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