What to Expect During an Audiometry Test

What to Expect During an Audiometry Test

As we age, maintaining our hearing health becomes increasingly important. For those over 55, regular hearing checks are essential to ensure we stay connected with the world around us. Regular hearing tests can also check whether we have adequate sound stimulation...
Signia launches new Active, instant fit hearing aids.

Signia launches new Active, instant fit hearing aids.

Signia launches new Active, instant fit hearing aids. With the explosion of ear bud Bluetooth technology, we have had lots of patients ask why hearing aid manufacturers can’t design hearing aids that look like ear pods but work like hearing aids. Now thanks to Signia,...
Have we found relief for people with Tinnitus?

Have we found relief for people with Tinnitus?

Have we found relief for people with Tinnitus? Tinnitus is a constant or intermittent sound hear in the ears and/or head that does not have an outside source. The sound is often described as ringing, humming, buzzing or whooshing. Objective tinnitus, for example...
Types of Hearing Tests

Types of Hearing Tests

The different types of hearing tests and what to expect should you need one Before we talk about the hearing tests – it is important to understand how we hear. Our ears are made up of three parts the outer, middle and inner ear. The Outer Ear The outer ear...

Know The Importance To Check Your Hearing Regularly

It is said that prevention is better than cure. We all are concerned about our health and well being. And we do everything to make sure that we remain healthy. The first thing we do is to get ourselves screened regularly for common diseases. It can be easy to ignore...