Have we found relief for patients with Tinnitus? Traditionally classified by whether it could be heard by the clinician, tinnitus is a constant or intermittent sound hear in the ears and/or head that does not have an outside source. The sound is often described as...
Have we found relief for people with Tinnitus? Tinnitus is a constant or intermittent sound hear in the ears and/or head that does not have an outside source. The sound is often described as ringing, humming, buzzing or whooshing. Objective tinnitus, for example...
Tinnitus Relief at Victorian Hearing Tinnitus is a condition that affects the auditory system, causing sufferers to hear a persistent sound when no external sound is present. Because of its subjective nature, the perceived sound can differ between people. While often...
It certainly has been an unsettling and unusual year. The impact of COVID-19 has been far reaching and affected us all personally in some way. As we learn more and more about this new virus, it appears that COVID-19 may bring with it a host of health concerns. While...
In response to the global COVD19 Pandemic, the city of Melbourne has seen strict lockdown measures to prevent the spread of the virus. It certainly has been an unsettling and unusual year with the impact far reaching and affecting each individual uniquely.Physical...