Hearing loss is a common disability affecting 1/7 Australian’s over the age of 65. The first point of contact for persons who notice hearing difficulties, is the local GP. Normally the GP will look for obvious signs of hearing loss, such as ear infections and/or wax...
Hearing Loss and Social Distancing – Not Social Isolation

Hearing Loss and Social Distancing – Not Social Isolation

With current times of COVID-19 requiring social distancing for everyone, some of us may be feeling a little lonely and isolated, regardless of how good your hearing may be. However, research tells us that hearing loss alone can lead to social isolation which can lead...
Victorian Hearing in Frankfurt, Germany

Victorian Hearing in Frankfurt, Germany

Victorian Hearing Clinical Audiologist Maryam Zargarbashi spent 3 days in Germany attending a global conference with more than 300+ delegates across 21 countries. The conference “hearing well and being well – a strong scientific connection” explored the...