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Sustainability in the hearing industry

Sustainability in the hearing industry

Research suggests the global carbon footprint of medicine is about 5% of global CO2 emissions. This is quite a significant amount of our remaining carbon budget to stay within 1.5 degrees...

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Understanding Cochlear Implants

Understanding Cochlear Implants

In the realm of hearing solutions, cochlear implants have long stood out as transformative devices that have positively impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of people with severe to...

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What to Expect During an Audiometry Test

What to Expect During an Audiometry Test

As we age, maintaining our hearing health becomes increasingly important. For those over 55, regular hearing checks are essential to ensure we stay connected with the world around us. Regular hearing tests can also check whether we have adequate sound stimulation traveling down our hearing nerve to our hearing centers in our brain, to keep our brain fit. One of the most common and effective methods for assessing hearing is the audiometry test. It is also known as a hearing test, pure tone audiometry or a diagnostic audiological assessment. If you’re preparing for your first audiometry test, here’s what you can expect.

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Lyric Hearing Aids: Invisible Solutions for Active Lifestyles

Lyric Hearing Aids: Invisible Solutions for Active Lifestyles

In today’s fast-paced world, staying connected and engaged is essential, especially for those leading active, vibrant lives or aiming to re-engage in social activities. Hearing loss shouldn’t hinder your lifestyle, and finding a solution that enhances your hearing without disrupting your routine is crucial. Lyric hearing aids provide an invisible hearing solution that prioritises your health, well-being, and active lifestyle. They are designed for individuals and family members who value activity, convenience, and aesthetics without compromising on hearing quality.

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What Can Smartphones Do to Help Protect Your Hearing?

What Can Smartphones Do to Help Protect Your Hearing?

In today’s digital age, smartphones have become pivotal tools in our daily lives. From keeping us connected to providing entertainment and organising our schedules, these devices offer incredible functionality. But did you know that smartphones can also play a role in protecting your hearing? Let’s explore how these handy gadgets can contribute to maintaining healthy hearing habits.

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